Paola Panarese

Paola Panarese is associate Professor of Sociology of Communicative and Cultural Processes at the Department of Communication and Social Research, Sapienza University of Rome. She teaches Advertising and Brand Communication and Consumption Sociology. Her teaching and research interests concern gender and media, youth cultural practices, advertising and branding and, more recently, the valorization of cultural heritage. She is principal investigator of the Mediamonitor Minori Research Observatory; member of the founding group and the scientific board of GeMMA (Gender and Media Matters) and of the Sapienza research centre Digilab, which involves different departments and is aimed at the valorization of the cultural heritage by means of digital innovations. Paola Panarese also chairs the Contamination Lab Celio, within the Regione Lazio Technological District of Cultural Heritage and Activities (DTC) research porjects.

Her recent publications on gender and media include:

P. Panarese, C. Miraglia, M. Grasso (2021), “I delitti passionali del giornalismo italiano. L’ordine di genere nel trattamento giornalistico del femminicidio di Elisa Pomarelli”, PROBLEMI DELL’INFORMAZIONE, 32/3, 413-437.

P. Panarese, S. Parisi, F. Comunello (2021), “Abitare gli spazi digitali. Prospettive di genere su immaginari, estetiche e pratiche culturali in rete”, MEDIASCAPES JOURNAL, 18/2, 3-15.

P. Panarese, C. Farina (2021), “Decostruzioni artistiche dell’eteronormatività. Riflessioni a partire da un’intervista a Charlie G Fennel sul rapporto tra arte, digitale e politica di genere”, MEDIASCAPES JOURNAL, 18/2, 80-90.

J.C. Suárez Villegas, N. Martínez Pérez, P. Panarese (eds.) (2021), “Cartografía de los micromachismos: dinámicas y violencia simbólica”, Dykinson, Madrid
