Jessica L. Harris

Jessica L. Harris is Assistant Professor in the Department of History at St. John’s University. She is a scholar of Modern Italy, African American History, Black Europe, Women’s History, and 20th century U.S. and the World, with a particular interest in gender and race, their intersection with material culture, and the subsequent effect on group identities. Her current project is a transnational cultural history on race and gender relations in Italy and the United States that explores the presence of African American women in 20th-century Italian film, television, music, and fashion.


Italian Women’s Experiences with American Consumer Culture, 1945-1975: The Italian Mrs. Consumer. (Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020).

“Una rivoluzione sul piccolo schermo?: Le donne afroitaliane nelle fiction televisive italiane contemporanee.” Imago. Studi di cinema e media, n. 19, I semestre 2019: 153-164.

“‘In America è vietato essere brutte’: Advertising American Beauty in the Italian Women’s Magazine Annabella, 1945-1965.” Modern Italy 22 (1): 35-53.

Noi Donne and Famiglia Cristiana: Communists, Catholics, and American Female Culture in Cold War Italy.” Carte Italiane 2 (11): 93-114.

The Disappearance of My Mother: Intervista a Benedetta Barzini. Gli Spietati. Rivista di cinema on line,, 9 luglio 2019.
