Federico Vitella (born in Varese in 1977) is a Full Professor at the University of Messina, where he teaches «History of cinema» and «Theories of cinema». His research concerns the cultural history of Italian cinema, specifically focusing on technology, different modes of production, text genetics and the phenomenon of celebrity worship. He is a member of the directive boards of «L’avventura. International Journal of Italian Film and Media Landscapes», «Mantichora. Italian Journal of Performance Studies» and «Cinema, media e studi culturali», an editorial collection published by Meltemi. He is also a member of the scientific committee of the magazine «Immagine. Note di storia del cinema». Currently, he is Principal Investigator of Il pollo ruspante. Il cinema e la cultura dei consumi in Italia (1950-1973), a 2017 Research Project of National Interest (PRIN) aimed at analyzing the role of cinema within the spread of modern consumer products during the second half of the XXth century. His publications include several papers in collective works, national and international scientific magazines. He has been editor and author of individual works as well. His latest book L’età dello schermo panoramico. Il cinema italiano e la rivoluzione widescreen (published by ETS in 2018) won the Limina prize in 2019. His latest editorship, together with Laura Busetta, is Stelle di mezzo secolo: divismo e rappresentazione della sessualità nel cinema italiano (1948-1978) published in «Schermi. Storie e culture del cinema e dei media in Italia» (No. 8, July-December 2020) within the Research Project of National Interest Comizi d’amore. Il cinema e la questione sessuale in Italia (1948-1978).