Emiliano Morreale

Emiliano Morreale is an Associate Professor at Sapienza University of Rome. His principal research interest lies in Italian cinema from 1945 on, with reference to relationships between film and society, in a cultural and gender perspective. Among his books, L’invenzione della nostalgia. Il vintage nel cinema italiano e oltre (Donzelli, Rome 2009), Così piangevano. Il cinema melò nell’Italia degli anni ’50 (Donzelli, Rome 2011), Cinema d’autore degli anni sessanta (Il Castoro, Milano 2011), La mafia immaginaria. 70 anni di Cosa Nostra al cinema (Donzelli, Rome 2020). He co-edited the anthology Racconti di cinema (with M. Pierini, Einaudi 2014). He was Italian correspondent for “Cahiers du cinéma”, member of the selection board of Turin Film Festival and Venice Film Festival and curator of the Cineteca Nazionale and is currently film critic for Italian newspaper “la Repubblica”.
