Chiara Tognolotti (PhD) is senior researcher at the Department of Civilizations and forms of knowledge at the University of Pisa, where she teaches Film Aesthetics and Italian Film History. She studies French cinema of both the silent and the classic period and Italian modern cinema in an historical perspective and with a specific focus on gender. She is author of La caduta della casa Usher (Jean Epstein, 1928). Fotogenie, superfici, metamorfosi (Mimesis 2020), De la photogénie du réel au cinéma au déla du réel (Kaplan 2020, with Laura Vichi), and editor of Storie in divenire: le donne nel cinema italiano («Quaderni del CSCI», 11, 2015, with Lucia Cardone and Cristina Jandelli). She is part of the research network FAScinA – female scholars of film and audio−visuals